Surviving a breakup can be one of the most emotional devastating hurts the human heart can go through. Many classify it in some respects as worse than death.
When a breakup occurs, couples involved usually have to keep running into one another. This is especially true if they were married with children.
Like most people who have won at love, I, too, have lost at love. I know all too well the pain of a broken heart.
But, this is not a page where we are going to drown in our sorrows. This is a page where people surviving a breakup can come to find healing and hope.
I will be adding to this page as time progresses, and I hope you'll return again and again because you find strength for your journey here. You can even ask your own questions below, and we will give you our response.
Here are some tips to keep in mind for surviving a breakup:
Pain in loss is only natural, so don't beat yourself up too badly for feeling like an emotional wreck
Give yourself some time to not feel like you just jumped out of an airplane without a parachute
Renew old friendships that you allowed to slide because you were so lost in love
You have more free time now, so use it in better ways than moping alone thinking about silly so-and-so
Show yourself strong to the one who let you go
You will raise doubts in the mind of the one who let you go if you hold up your head and don't wilt any time they see you
All those couples you are looking at aren't all as crazy happy as you are making them out to be right now
Most of those around you who seem to have won at love has also experienced losing at love, so there really is always hope for the heart beyond the hurt you feel today
Someday the hurt you have right now will be long forgotten and you will be amazed how little you even remember about the emotions in your life right now
More people are pulling for you than you even know
These are just a few things so many others going through what you are going through now have discovered about surviving a breakup.
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